As summer is coming near and fire safety is everyone’s most concern, the Emergency Response Team in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter, Sob Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province, organized a training on Disaster Risk Reduction during February 25-26, 2021, to raise awareness of Wildfire, Floods, and Landslides Prevention.Focus was made to the maintenance of fire prevention equipment; and elimination of trash and flammable objects.
The training aimed at enabling the Emergency Response Team, members and interested persons to keep on paying more attention to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
Then they made a walking campaign to raise awareness about disaster risk reduction. They also surveyed houses and observed the preparation of sandbags, water bags, stone bags, etc. which can be of use to stop small fire from spreading; as well as house cleaning to remove unnecessary or flammable objects from houses.
There were many households showing interest and cooperating in the activities. The survey was made to 1,726 houses, out of which 1,676 houses were well equipped with available water bags, sand bags and stone bags, etc.
However, there were also some houses having no fire prevention equipment or leaving their waste and plant leaves abandoned, which made it at risk of fire. Therefore, the team deemed it necessary to convince these households of fire risk and made them agree to improve their environmental quality for fire safety.
The training and campaign for fire prevention was organized during February 25-26, 2021, in which 44 males of Emergency Response Team Members attending.
